The Kingdom Healer
My name is Letao, a certified spiritual counsellor specialized in professional tarot, astrology and numerology.

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Immersed in the mystical realm of psychic arts for more than a decade, I delicately weave the intricate tapestry of Astrology, Tarot, and other divinatory tools. With these, I channel profound, deeply personal messages tailored uniquely for each cherished client.

The sensitive nature of my reading requires a non-judgemental perspective: Holding the space for emotional support and empowerment. I bring new perspectives on how to access innate wisdom in order to amplify one’s personal power and heart-based self knowledge.

What else? 
👨‍🎓Master in Counselling (Monash University, AU)
👨‍🎓Master in Translating & Interpreting (Maquariue University, AU)
👨‍🎓Advanced Diploma in Applied Astrology (AstroSynthesis, AU)
👨‍🎓Member of Hong Kong Society of Counselling and Psychology (No.0161)
👨‍🎓Member of Australian Counselling Association (No.IN1641)
🏅Horoscope columnist 2021/2022 (HK Living Magazine)
🏅Best Astrologer and Tarot specialist 2021 (HKMOB, HK)
🏅Spiritual Guide of the Year 2020 (Liv Magazine, HK)
🏅Hong Kong Influencers Award 2020 (HK Living Magazine, HK)
🏅Hong Kong Influencers Award 2019 (HK Living Magazine, HK)

Spiritual reading is my calling to bring healing and love

The Kingdom Healer

I embarked on my spiritual journey over a decade ago, and ever since, I've been providing sincere and enlightening spiritual readings. My guidance spans a multitude of topics, encompassing not just the usual fields like love, relationships, careers, and family, but also delving into the mysteries of past lives. The deeply personal and sensitive nature of my work fosters a profound emotional and intellectual bond with clients. This connection elevates our journey, guiding us towards clarity, understanding, and ultimately, peace.

Reading with Letao’s astrological and Tarot analysis helps with our self-awareness and our higher purpose

  • Resolve to build confidence and courage
  • Developing our intuitive responses
  • Release fear of unknown
  • Establish acceptance and non-judgemental perception
  • Develop compassion & empathy
The Kingdom Healer

Reading with Letao is not a mere way to predict the future, but a process of discovery

The Kingdom Healer

In the sanctuary of my presence, countless individuals bring their most intimate questions and uncertainties about work, love, and family. They sit across from me, a contradictory blend of anticipation and trepidation subtly etched on their faces; they long for clarity yet fear the illumination. Queries such as, "Do the cards hold the key to my destiny?" and "Could this reading cast a shadow on my life?" comprise the steady chorus of concerns echoing from the hearts of my clients.

Astrology and divination card readings serve as luminous beacons, guiding our souls gently along the winding paths of existence. I offer a sanctuary of comfort, privacy, and reassurance, helping you to uncover the journey that's always been there, patiently waiting for your footprints. Sometimes, all we need is a gentle nudge to bring our obscure path into sharp focus. Astrology and tarot, like trusted companions, provid solace and powerful illumination to countless souls during turbulent times, acting as a steady lantern in the darkness. They help us to peer deeply into our innermost selves, to decipher our deepest desires, and to discern our intended direction with certainty.

My deepest hope is that our shared journey of discovery through our session will guide you towards your authentic self. Uncovering this inner truth can unlock a sense of self-assuredness, tranquility, and a feeling of safety that will enrich your life.